Beats Per Minute (BPM)
Enter the desired number of beats per minute to start calculating. Displayed values are based on a 4/4 time signature, also known as 'four to the floor'.
Beats Per Minute
Below you find the most common number of beats accompanied by milliseconds/seconds and hertz.
- 1 beat
- 500 ms
- 2 Hz
- 2 beats
- 1000 ms
- 1 Hz
- 3 beats
- 1500 ms
- 0.667 Hz
- 4 beats
- 2000 ms
- 0.5 Hz
- 6 beats
- 3000 ms
- 0.333 Hz
- 8 beats
- 4000 ms
- 0.25 Hz
- 12 beats
- 6000 ms
- 0.167 Hz
- 16 beats
- 8000 ms
- 0.125 Hz
- 24 beats
- 12000 ms
- 0.083 Hz
- 32 beats
- 16000 ms
- 0.063 Hz
Below you find several lengths, better known as bars or measures. These are ideal indicators to estimate the length of a track.
- 1 bar
- 2 bars
- 3 bars
- 4 bars
- 6 bars
- 8 bars
- 12 bars
- 16 bars
- 24 bars
- 32 bars